StateMachineBehavior for CakePHP.
This project is maintained by davidsteinsland
Documentation is not finished yet either. See the tests if you want to learn something.
First you need to alter the tables of the models you want to use StateMachine:
ALTER TABLE `vehicle` ADD `state` VARCHAR(50);
ALTER TABLE `vehicle` ADD `previous_state` VARCHAR(50);
, can($transition)
, on($transition, 'before|after', callback)
and when($state, callback)
methods allows you to control the whole flow. transition($transition)
is used to move between two states.Transitions and states in $transitions
should be lowercased and underscored. The method names are in turn camelized.
=> canShiftUp()
=> shiftUp()
=> isFirstGear()
App::uses('StateMachineBehavior', 'StateMachine.Model/Behavior');
class VehicleModel extends AppModel {
public $useTable = 'Vehicle';
public $actsAs = array('StateMachine.StateMachine');
public $initialState = 'parked';
public $transitionRules = array(
'ignite' => array(
'role' => array('driver'),
'depends' => 'has_key'
public $transitions = array(
'ignite' => array(
'parked' => 'idling',
'stalled' => 'stalled'
'park' => array(
'idling' => 'parked',
'first_gear' => 'parked'
'shift_up' => array(
'idling' => 'first_gear',
'first_gear' => 'second_gear',
'second_gear' => 'third_gear'
'shift_down' => array(
'first_gear' => 'idling',
'second_gear' => 'first_gear',
'third_gear' => 'second_gear'
'crash' => array(
'first_gear' => 'stalled',
'second_gear' => 'stalled',
'third_gear' => 'stalled'
'repair' => array(
'stalled' => 'parked'
'idle' => array(
'first_gear' => 'idling'
'turn_off' => array(
'all' => 'parked'
public function __construct($id = false, $ds = false, $table = false) {
parent::__construct($id, $ds, $table);
$this->on('ignite', 'after', function() {
// the car just ignited!
public function isMoving() {
return in_array($this->getCurrentState(), array('first_gear', 'second_gear', 'third_gear'));
public function hasKey($role) {
return $role == 'driver';
class Controller .... {
public function method() {
'Vehicle' => array(
'title' => 'Toybota'
// $this->Vehicle->getCurrentState() == 'parked'
if ($this->Vehicle->canIgnite('driver')) {
// $this->Vehicle->getCurrentState() == 'first_gear'
Here's how to state machine of the Vehicle would look like if you saved:
into fsm.gv
and ran:
dot -Tpng -ofsm.png fsm.gv