
A CakePHP plugin for Gearman

This project is maintained by davidsteinsland

CakePHP Gearman

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An easy way to setup Gearman clients and workers in CakePHP. Gearman is a worker server that makes you able to perform lots of heavy logic in the background, in other programs.



Hint: app/Plugin/Gearman


Load the plugin:

CakePlugin::load('Gearman', array('bootstrap' => true));

Add the component to your controller:

class MyController {
    public $components = array('Gearman.Gearman');

    public function reverseName() {
        $this->autoRender = false;
        echo 'Norway = ', $this->Gearman->newTask('reverse', 'Norway');

    public function backgroundJob() {
        $handle = $this->Gearman->newBackgroundTask('long_running');
        $this->redirect(array (
            'action' => 'jobStatus',

    public function jobStatus($handle) {
        $data = $this->Gearman->backgroundStatus ($handle);

        $this->autoRender = false;

        if (!$data[0]) {
            echo 'Gearman does not know about this job!';

        if ($data[1]) {
            echo 'The job is still running<br />', PHP_EOL;

        echo 'Progress: ';
        if ($data[3] > 0) {
            printf ('%.2f %%', ($data[2] / $data[3]) * 100);
        } else {
            echo 'N/A';

        echo '<br />', PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Refresh this page to see the progress increase';

Your worker code (app/Console/Command/<nameOfShell>):

class NameOfShell extends AppShell {
    public $tasks = array('Gearman.GearmanShell');

    public function startup() {
        $this->GearmanShell->addMethod('reverse', $this);
        $this->GearmanShell->addMethod('long_running', array($this, 'longRunning'));

     * To support running ./Console/cake ImageResize as an alternative
     * to ./Console/cake ImageResize GearmanShell
    public function main() {

     * $workload will be a JSON decoded array, if your client
     * sends an array as workload. If not, it will be a string
    public function execute(GearmanJob $job, $workload) {
        return strrev($workload);

    public function longRunning(GearmanJob $job, $workload) {
        $m = 60;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $m; $i++) {
            echo "Sleeping, ", ($m - $i), " seconds left\n";
            // update progress
            $job->sendStatus($i, $m);

Then start your worker:

./Console/Cake NameOfShell

If you want to start your worker process in the background, consider using nohup:

nohup ./Console/Cake NameOfShell 2>&1 > /dev/null &

You can also consider using the Daemon task in the cakephp-shells repo.


The worker can be written in whatever language supports Gearman. This means that your worker registers at the Gearman server, and your client requests the specific method.


Please report them in the Issues page.